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FFRAF (Foundation for Renewal and Fora)

Email Address

Phone Number

+44(0)20 8470 0132

Opening Hours

Mon-Fri (10am - 6pm)

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Our Services

What We Offer

Services that Cater for Your Needs​

Our organisation is committed to providing a wide range of services that cater to the diverse needs of African communities in Greater London. Our services are designed to be inclusive and accessible to all members, ensuring that everyone receives the support they require. Here's an expanded overview of the services we offer:

Health Promotion and Sexual Health Education

- Tailored programs to promote health awareness and sexual health education within hard-to-reach African communities.

- Initiatives aimed at breaking down cultural barriers and addressing stigma associated with health issues.

Substance Misuse Awareness

- Specialised campaigns addressing alcohol and drug misuse prevalent among individuals experiencing stress and isolation.

- Support services to help individuals overcome substance misuse challenges.

Community Care Connections

Empowering African Communities in Greater London

Our aim is to create a supportive and empowering environment where all members of African communities in Greater London can access the assistance and services they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Make an appointment with us as follows to connect you to the right services.

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday

FFRAF Address


Our Funders